Welcome to Pineboards!

Welcome to Pineboards!

We are excited to announce that Pineberry Pi is starting its next chapter with a fresh identity: Pineboards!

As we continue to grow and evolve, we realized the importance of a name that stands out as much as our products do. While the 'fruit + pi' naming convention served us well in the past, it often suggested that we were manufacturing single-board computers, which is far from the truth. Our new name, Pineboards, not only aligns with our mission to lead and innovate within the ecosystem of add-on boards and accessories for the Raspberry Pi 5 but also allows us to build our own distinct brand identity. As a young company, we figured that this transition needed to happen before we grow further. The last few months have been extremely productive for us, and we hope to capture even more of that momentum moving forward.

In addition to our new name, we are eager to foster a cooperative relationship with major players in the embedded industry. This step will enable us to collaborate and innovate alongside a network of creative and technical partners, further enriching both our contributions and our offerings. Cooperation like this is crucial for us as we begin to introduce products that require drivers and kernel changes. We want our boards to always be fully compatible with various Single Board Computers without the need to supply third-party software. 

It has also come to our attention that the 16-pin PCIe connector standard is starting to become an industry-wide standard for single-board computers. We are thrilled to start testing our products against alternative SOCs and working with manufacturers to ensure perfect compatibility with the PIP (PCIe Peripheral Board) standard. 

This change is more than just a new name. It represents our ambition to expand and improve while still offering the robust and versatile solutions you’ve come to trust. We're the same dedicated team, and we feel that right now we have a brand that will allow us to expand into different types of applications more easily while keeping our focus on networking and storage.

Thank you for your unwavering support through this transition. We are thrilled to embark on this journey as Pineboards, and we look forward to what the future holds for us.

On top of the rebranding, we are also announcing new products that have been requested by our community for months:

Hat mPCIe (full coverage of the standard with support for PCIe, nano SIM, and USB),

HatDrive! Piano (NVMe + RCA + 3.5mm headphone jack),

Hat Ai! Dual Edge (world’s first board for the Google Coral Dual Edge TPU compatible with the Raspberry Pi 5),

Hat uPCIty Lite (an evaluation board with an ATX power supply and an open-ended PCIe X4 connector).

Please refer to this blog post for more details about the new boards.

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